Ahmed Mohamed

Is America anti-Muslim? Yes. Oh yes definitely. It’s really not much of a question to be honest.

So much proof every day but here is a fairly well-known, fairly recent show of proof of how anti-Muslim Americans can truly be.

I honestly hope that by now you have heard of Ahmed Mohamed. The Muslim boy who brought a home-made clock to school to school his teacher. Here’s a little bit of background information in case if you somehow did miss it.

But the worst part about this, to me, is that the school didn’t seem to actually think it was a bomb. They didn’t react in the way a school would actually react if there really was a bomb threat. The teacher didn’t back away or try to reason with him, she just repeatedly asked Ahmed what it was and didn’t like how he just repeated his answer. The school didn’t lockdown like every single school had been taught how to if there was a bomb threat or any other threat. Nope! They just walked him and his ‘potential bomb’ all the way around school and then sat him with his supposed ‘bomb’ right in the principles office. Does that seem like a normal reaction? Or does it seem more like full-grown adults basically making fun of and/or bullying a kid for his race? That’s pretty gross.

I hope that Ahmed never goes back to the school and those ridiculous teacher and someday goes on to join NASA or something just as brilliant just to show those people how wrong and messed up they are. I mean damn! He made a clock out of a pencil-case! I can hardly make macaroni and cheese. Ahmed is an amazing genius type and instead of being celebrated he’s being scorned just because he is Muslim. Because honestly, can you really tell me that if he were white this situation would have gone down in the exact same way?

No. You can’t.

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders. My man. I have never been so unreasonably offended as I was when I heard someone say that they had never even heard of him.

He is the candidate I plan to vote for in the primaries. Why? He is the strongest democrat with liberal views that I can stand behind and agree with.

He also isn’t just saying this stuff now to get ‘young people’ votes, he has been saying this stuff for many, many years now. There is even proof in writing that he has believed in total equal rights. Need proof for yourself? This is his official campaign site, you’ll notice on his timeline, there is a picture of a twenty-year old Bernie Sanders leading a sit in to oppose segregation. He voted against the Defense of Marriage Act, which wanted to deny federal benefits to same-sex couples legally married, and so much more. Check out all the issues on his platform here.

Bernie Sanders is focused on equality for all. Now don’t freak out and think “OHMYGOD COMMUNISM. THE DEVIL IS AMONG US.” Or anything like that. Every single person deserves equal opportunities. That’s what this whole United States of America is supposed to be right? So why isn’t it true? Why is there is a gap in wages between men and women? Why is all this police brutality happening? Why does that wealthiest 1% own the majority of, well, everything? Why do people have to prove their worth by going to college and being thousands in debt by the time they get out just so they can get a job with a wage that they can actually live off of? Bernie Sanders is focused on giving the people what they deserve as their human rights. What’s so wrong with that? I find it amazing.

He classified himself as an independent before running for president. So that means, that maybe he’ll break away from the democratic party after the primaries, like Donald Trump probably will. But I have to say, even if he does, I will still vote for him because I honestly believe that he would be able to continue working on the same things he’s been working towards his whole life.

Help support Bernie Sanders. He’ll bring more equality than ever before if he is elected. But he needs to make it through the primaries looking good. In order to do that, he needs your vote. Right now he is leading in the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, but there are fifty other states people! He is not going to get anywhere unless we support him by voting.

2016 Elections

I’m sure you heard something of the 2016 elections by now. I am very opinionated about all the candidates and know whom I will be voting for already but that’s not actually what this post is all about.

This post is mainly just begging you to vote, if you can. Your vote may not seem important but trust me man, it is very, very important. Every single vote is counted and just a few votes in one direction or another could cause a change that impacts the world. Whether its voting for mayor or president, your vote counts! Especially don’t forget to vote in the primaries, seeing as how they eliminate the majority of people running as candidates. Don’t wait til it’s too late! Research all of the people running, find your favorite, and give them a chance at winning by giving them your vote in the primaries. They have to pass the first round on order to advance, and they can’t do it without you.

That being said. Don’t throw your vote away. I’M LOOKING AT YOU DEEZ NUTS. Yes, it’s funny, but voting for deez nuts or even the more classic and well-known throw away of mickey mouse, is as useless as not even voting. Every one has their own opinions, (I’ll be using posts later to give you mine on the candidates) but the point is, deez nuts is a fifteen year old boy in a small town in Iowa that would never be allowed to be president anyways. So why would you give him your vote when you could instead help change history in the making, and say that you had a tiny part in choosing the person running this country? The president not only has the power to potentially change the entire United States, but also the entire world!

My friends in other countries feel the need to tell Americans to PLEASE use their vote wisely, because they are aware, and frankly a bit worried, of how much their lives will be impacted by America’s new presidents’ choices.

Even if you are currently unable or too young to vote, it is still wise to stay updated and informed on the candidates. There are many people who you know that ARE able to vote, and who knows? If you talk to some of them you might get a few votes going to the candidate you stand behind instead of those votes being thrown away or not even used.

To sum up, please vote, and please make your vote count by putting it towards an actual candidate that is capable of running a country.