Syrian Refugees

Yes, I understand everyone is rightfully freaking out after the Paris attacks about accepting refugees. The main reason is fear. Fear is controlling everyone that is saying we can’t let refugees in. Because if we took emotions out of it, there would be no real issue.

When looking at the facts, you will see tat zero refugees that have ever come to america have been arrested on domestic terrorist charges.

Why should people fleeing for their lives have no where else safe to go?

America was literally made by people leaving other countries.

This is supposed to be the land of opportunity for everyone, not just the people who were lucky enough to have their ancestors move here many many many years ago.

These people need a place to go, and some countries in Europe are helping out, but why does that mean we can’t? America is supposed to be some sort of world superpower right? So why aren’t we giving a helping hand when we are needed?


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