The Relevancy of Feminism

There are many, many, oh so very many, people that think feminism is no longer needed or maybe in some cases wanted, in todays society. These people are wrong. Feminism means equality between men and women, why do we still need it? Well, that’s probably because men and women are yet to be treated as true equals. Don’t believe me? Let me try to change your mind in three points or less.

First point. Women don’t have equality we wanted, or the equal status. This is proven by the fact that woman are still being raped and blamed for it while less than 10% of rapists are convicted. We’re still fighting for rights to our own bodies on things like abortion in many parts of the world, and people still say things like ‘don’t be such a girl’. As if my gender is supposed to be an insult. As if women, or, excuse me, ‘girls’, are weaker than guys. Last time I checked, that wasn’t the definition of equality.

Second point. Women earn on average 20% less wages than men for the exact same work. In fact, in 2014, women only made 79 cents for every dollar earned by a man (proven here). Considering that women make up a huge amount of Americas workforce, this is a pretty big problem. Especially since women also tend to be the main provider or care giver of the family.

Last but not least, feminism doesn’t only include equal rights for women. It supports equal rights for all, meaning that it includes minorities, the LGBT+ community, and men too. Despite popular belief, men can get raped. It just isn’t made as public because while it’s almost common in women, men face more ridicule and less support for being raped than women. Feminism fights racism as well as sexism, because many colored individuals can be put at the same disadvantages women are, and often treated worse, because racism is not as outright fought today as sexism is. Its equality for everyone, people!

Basic stuff right? It’s 2015. It is time women and other minority groups to be seen as equals and held to the same status as the privileged white man, because no one should receive privilege for being a man or white. So ask yourself what you think feminism is or what it means, and decide for yourself if you or someone you know needs it. Because believe me, we all really do.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is a fair opponent to Bernie Sanders. If she does end up winning the democratic primaries over Bernie I will glad vote for her over any and all republican candidates.

Where does she stand on the issues?

I think my favorite issue she is currently talking about is ending campus sexual assault. It is way overdue for rape to be ended. And the worst part is most rape victims don’t even come forward and say they’ve been raped and attempt to convict their rapists. Why? Well, that’s probably because they usually lose those fights. The estimate of women sexually assaulting while in college is one in five. Clearly there is something wrong with the system we have *cough cough rape culture* Another plus is that she has been supporting this issue for a while, so in all likelihood she will continue supporting it. She’s even focusing on prevention. Which, to be honest, to me, is where it all happens. It doesn’t make any sense for women to be taught that we always need to be careful by having a buddy whenever we walk places, and  carrying a rape whistle and mace. And yet nothing is said to men about not raping! There’s a bit of a problem there. Men need to be started off being told not to force or maybe to put this in disgusting rapist terms ‘convince’ someone to any sort of sexual encounter.

She also plans to place more restrictions on guns. Now this isn’t quite the gun control I wish it was personally but it’s a start. (Did you know America is the only country with such a huge mass murder rate? coincidentally enough, we’re also the only country in which anyone over the age of 21 can buy a gun whenever they want. Hm.) America not only needs to start making more gun laws but, it should also consider banning them entirely. It’s a lot harder to kill someone when you don’t have a gun, much less multiple someones, much less twenty children and six staff members. I’m well aware that the south won’t go down without a fight, but it has gotten past the point of being ridiculous by now. The country as a whole would be much safer, and there would be plenty of other side bonuses, like the rate of suicides going down because the most fatal way is with a gun. Without one people have a better chance of being saved. Hillary will at least start the fight on gun control, and then later I’m hoping some one will finish it.

Although Hillary’s official websites lie, saying that she has always supported LGBT rights even though she stood against gay marriage in 2008, she has seemed to change with the majority of Americans over time. And we need a president that will support all Americans, and Hillary is seemingly willing to do so now.

Another important issue she s standing on is climate change and switching America over to clean energy. This is a necessity to not just America, but the whole freaking world. And this is not an opinion either, sorry guys, it’s proven facts. We are killing the earth with all of our different types of pollution and its ridiculous. We, and when I say we I mean the human race as a whole, only have one place to live. Earth. When we it dies, we die. So why haven’t we tried to at least cut down on the murder of this planet? Developed countries are the worst with pollution, America of course taking the lead. It’s past time we changed things around. We have the technology to change what we’re doing and cut down on pollution of all kinds, the problem is the people that are still convinced that climate change isn’t real and that wind turbines are an eyesore. You know what’s a bigger eyesore? The smog covering cities from all the pollution and people destroying the earth. Hillary plans to make enough renewable energy to power all American homes in ten years (which isn’t that hard to organically produce, mind you.) and to get more than half a billion solar panels installed across the country. One of my aunts just started having some solar panels installed at her farm and is pretty excited. Hillary is willing to go the distance to help extends the Earths life for a bit longer, which makes her alright in my book.

Interested in reading more about her campaign? This is a link to her official website, go ahead and check her out.

Ahmed Mohamed

Is America anti-Muslim? Yes. Oh yes definitely. It’s really not much of a question to be honest.

So much proof every day but here is a fairly well-known, fairly recent show of proof of how anti-Muslim Americans can truly be.

I honestly hope that by now you have heard of Ahmed Mohamed. The Muslim boy who brought a home-made clock to school to school his teacher. Here’s a little bit of background information in case if you somehow did miss it.

But the worst part about this, to me, is that the school didn’t seem to actually think it was a bomb. They didn’t react in the way a school would actually react if there really was a bomb threat. The teacher didn’t back away or try to reason with him, she just repeatedly asked Ahmed what it was and didn’t like how he just repeated his answer. The school didn’t lockdown like every single school had been taught how to if there was a bomb threat or any other threat. Nope! They just walked him and his ‘potential bomb’ all the way around school and then sat him with his supposed ‘bomb’ right in the principles office. Does that seem like a normal reaction? Or does it seem more like full-grown adults basically making fun of and/or bullying a kid for his race? That’s pretty gross.

I hope that Ahmed never goes back to the school and those ridiculous teacher and someday goes on to join NASA or something just as brilliant just to show those people how wrong and messed up they are. I mean damn! He made a clock out of a pencil-case! I can hardly make macaroni and cheese. Ahmed is an amazing genius type and instead of being celebrated he’s being scorned just because he is Muslim. Because honestly, can you really tell me that if he were white this situation would have gone down in the exact same way?

No. You can’t.


I’m just going to rip it off like a band-aid and say it. Capitalism sucks. It’s terrible. All right, we tried it out for a few hundred years, clearly the system is messed up, it’s time to learn from it and make something better.

The definition of capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit. Nice in theory right? But what does that really mean? It means the government doesn’t do anything to help out the people in need.

Now forgive me for saying this, but the Great Depression brought about a lot of positive changes ion America. It all but forced the government to help take care of the people. It brought about aid. That’s right all. I strongly stand behind and support every kind of federal aid, be it wealth fare, food stamps, social security, or Obama care. Why? Well that’s simple enough to explain. I support the government giving aid out to people who need it, because I believe that no one should have to prove their worth as a human being to ‘earn’ the right to live. I don’t think people should go starving in the streets or sleeping in boxes just because every middle class and wealthy person is holding on to their money so tight they can’t bare spending a bit of extra change on taxes to help their fellow humans out. It is horrifying to think of how many lives could have been made a million times better if the people in office would stop cutting programs like aid to the poor just so they can continue their ridiculous spending on military for wars we don’t have any justifiable reason to be in.

I really strongly like this site’s way of explaining the capitalism and socialism side by side.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think America should just drop everything and go completely socialism, and I’m aware we already are no longer one hundred percent capitalism anymore (Thank God), but some things do need to change.

Raising The Minimum Wage

I believe that a minimum wage raise is past due. Money is not worth the same amount as it was before. The minimum wage is supposed to be something possible to live off of, and seven dollars and twenty five cents an hour is not going to cut it for anything. I know this is not very capitalist of me *cough cough capitalism is terrible cough* But I personally believe that someone shouldn’t have to go thousands of dollars into debt just to have the maybe possible chance of getting a job where they will be making a livable wage just because some dumb ass’s say that that is the right thing to do.

Did you know that nearly half of all college students drop out before getting their degree? That’s pretty messed up. Everyone is being told that college is the end all be all and so they go, get thousands of dollars stacked up in debt from student loans and decide to drop out, leaving them to still have to work some job they have been growing up being told is worthless. And then struggling for money even more, because now, they are only getting paid seven dollars and twenty five cents an hour, which is hard enough alone without having to add the bills that have to be taken out from a diploma that was never able to be completed.

Bernie Sanders (*energetic screams of approval in the background*) wants to raise the minimum raise to fifteen dollars an hour so that people don’t have to work over forty hours a week or multiple jobs just to keep on barely scraping by.

Now I know everyone believes that if the minimum wage is raised the only difference is that the cost of everything else will be raised too and nothing will actually change except more inflation or higher unemployment. But these things aren’t guaranteed. All these things might happen, maybe, possibly. They’re just speculations. You know what isn’t a speculation? All the people working their butts off just trying to survive and make it by. And that’s if they don’t have a family. What about the people that do need to try and support their children on minimum wage? How do they even have a chance of doing so?

Another reason given for not raising the minimum raise is the fear that people won’t reach for higher education. Well I hate to break it to you, but getting a higher education doesn’t really help out that much nowadays. About half the people that do graduate college end up in jobs that don’t even need degrees, and many of them believed that it did nothing to really prepare them for the real world. Especially since in order to get a job you need experience and in order to get experience you need to get a job.

But I digress. Point is, the minimum wage is stupidly low for this day and age with the huge inflation of the prices of everything in between now and when the minimum wage was set. Which, just to remind you, was set to make it a guarantee that you make enough money to live off of. And that is just no longer true.

More on Donald Trump as a Person

Donald Trump is a bad, bad man. I know I’ve been over this, but I just want to hit a few points it seems that I missed last time. This really isn’t even about his campaign, this is just him as a said to be living breathing human that should never ever become president of anything. This is probably being brought on by how disgusted I am with the fact that he is winning in the polls. It’s just wrong. Like sure you guys, It’s funny to vote for the weird man, but what the hell are we going to do if you all think it’s funny in the actual elections and he seriously becomes president? What the hell are we going to do if he decides to just destroy everything for funsies? Now, I know these are very big what if’s, but the fact that it’s a real possibility makes me sick.

Are you aware that he raped his wife? I’m sorry but if that is something you can forgive anyone for doing we need to have an argument. Here is a source describing what all went down there. Sure Ivana changed the word from ‘rape’ to ‘violated’ but in all actuality it doesn’t change what happened. What is rape exactly? When some one forces someone else to engage in a sexual activity that they did not consent to. And it can very much so happen between spouses and the fact that Donald Trump believes that not to be true is another disgusting characteristic of his.

And, most disturbing of all. Neo-Nazis and the KKK openly state that he is “the only hope for white America.” There is something deeply wrong there.

Check out this guys post on Trump. I personally enjoyed reading it, even though, just to warn you, this guy is just as harsh on Trump as I am.


“Never Forget.”

9/11 can be a very controversial subject. Personally, I’m a bit skeptic on what happened. Here is a link with very common theories and attempts at debunking them, but even after reading through all of some things didn’t seem to quite add up yet.

Here are videos of people that were there, and believed that they heard bombs going off before any plane ever hit. I understand that eye witness accounts can sometimes be misleading seeing how everybody thinks of things differently, but doesn’t it seem a little bit too coincidental that there were so many people from different places agreeing with each other? That being said, some of those theorires don’t quite sit well with me either. Number eight especially. I feel as though that claim doesn’t have much of anything to do with the overall attack. They found out how many Jewish people took the day off, but then didn’t bother with comparing it to other people of different faiths to see if there was any similarities. And honestly that whole statement is just really wrong in the fact that it is basically blaming all Jewish people. (Hm. First time that has happened.) On YouTube there are many videos of the planes, and just as many, if not more, of people pointing out impossibilities in those videos. Like this one here. If that one isn’t enough for you, click on one of the other numerous plane videos, showing off CGI mishaps. And isn’t it just a little bit weird how both planes completely and totally disappear into the buildings? Doesn’t it seem slightly impossible for that to happen not just once, but twice? With seemingly no resistance going in?

Maybe you believe that it was a complete scam. Maybe you believe everything that you’ve been told in school about it all being the planes and Al Qaeda. Hopefully, you’re at least thinking about it. Here is a whole entire website dedicated to figuring out just what exactly happened on 9/11. They aren’t trying to prove it was fake, and they aren’t trying to prove it was real either. They are just trying to figure out how everything really went down. I advise you to check it out.

But, that being said, even if we aren’t being told the whole truth, that doesn’t change the fact that 2,753 people died. Which means making jokes about it isn’t funny. Or okay in any way. When you make dumb jokes about 9/11 you are disrespecting all the people that lost their lives that day. And that is incredibly messed up. So guys, please be respectful about it. If you think it was all a sham, then there is a time and place to tell people so. The anniversary of the day all those people were killed is not the right time. Especially when there are families and friends still mourning over their loses.

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders. My man. I have never been so unreasonably offended as I was when I heard someone say that they had never even heard of him.

He is the candidate I plan to vote for in the primaries. Why? He is the strongest democrat with liberal views that I can stand behind and agree with.

He also isn’t just saying this stuff now to get ‘young people’ votes, he has been saying this stuff for many, many years now. There is even proof in writing that he has believed in total equal rights. Need proof for yourself? This is his official campaign site, you’ll notice on his timeline, there is a picture of a twenty-year old Bernie Sanders leading a sit in to oppose segregation. He voted against the Defense of Marriage Act, which wanted to deny federal benefits to same-sex couples legally married, and so much more. Check out all the issues on his platform here.

Bernie Sanders is focused on equality for all. Now don’t freak out and think “OHMYGOD COMMUNISM. THE DEVIL IS AMONG US.” Or anything like that. Every single person deserves equal opportunities. That’s what this whole United States of America is supposed to be right? So why isn’t it true? Why is there is a gap in wages between men and women? Why is all this police brutality happening? Why does that wealthiest 1% own the majority of, well, everything? Why do people have to prove their worth by going to college and being thousands in debt by the time they get out just so they can get a job with a wage that they can actually live off of? Bernie Sanders is focused on giving the people what they deserve as their human rights. What’s so wrong with that? I find it amazing.

He classified himself as an independent before running for president. So that means, that maybe he’ll break away from the democratic party after the primaries, like Donald Trump probably will. But I have to say, even if he does, I will still vote for him because I honestly believe that he would be able to continue working on the same things he’s been working towards his whole life.

Help support Bernie Sanders. He’ll bring more equality than ever before if he is elected. But he needs to make it through the primaries looking good. In order to do that, he needs your vote. Right now he is leading in the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, but there are fifty other states people! He is not going to get anywhere unless we support him by voting.

A Quick Closer Look At The LGBT+ Community

LGBT+ community. You’ve heard of it? Perhaps the fact that same gender couples are, of this summer, allowed to marry accross the US? Yes? Nice.

Well I’m going to go a bit more in depth on this community. The majority of those letters in this community, and the world over in fact, that are ignored. We get it, The majority are gay men and lesbian women. But lets look a little closer, yeah?

T. It stands for transgender. Also, on the topic of gender there are in fact more than just two options. People can also be non binary and gender fluid but for now we’ll focus on trans. A transgender person is someone born in the wrong gendered body. I’m sure you know a bit about it if you’ve been paying attention to pop culture,and the very famous Caitlyn Jenner. But did you know that a transgender person has a much higher risk, I’m talking thousands of percents higher chance, at being murdered than someone whom is cisgendered? While not every one out of twelve like many sources will lead you to believe (fact-checked here) It is still much higher than a cisgenders 1 in a 18,000 peoples chance.

B. Standing for Bisexual. More common than you might think. In fact, you’re listening to one right now. And yet, bisexuals are either ignored completely, or cast out. Why? We’re ‘too gay’ for the straight community, but ‘too straight’ for the gay one. Gay men and women don’t support bisexuals very often because they feel as though we don’t face the same sort of discrimination they do because we have male/female relationships. Proof here.

The plus sign is just as important as the rest of the letters in the LGBT+ community. Because there are so many sexualities and preferences out there, you might have been calling yourself heterosexual for your whole life, when in fact you’re asexual with a sex drive, and just didn’t even realize that was even a thing. Here and here are quick lists of just a few sexualities I’m sure you weren’t even aware existed. Check it out, maybe you’ll learn something new about yourself. Those few listed are nowhere near all sexualities, so if you still don’t quite feel like you fit into any of those categories, don’t worry. You’ll find out what yours is eventually. Until then, you keep doing you.